The Valentines Dried Flower Big Baked Blossom Bouquet


Send a luxurious gift or treat yourself with one of our dried Flower Big Blossom Bouquets! The Valentines dried flower bunch is a huge bunch of beautiful dried flowers perfect for making a statement of love this V-day! 

Each bouquet is made bespoke by hand in our Happy Blossoms studio, meaning they will differ slightly from the photo. This makes every bunch truly unique! 

Included with your bunch: All Baked Blossoms bunch comes gift-wrapped with our bespoke paper and ribbons and boxed up safely with luxury tissue paper for their travels. The bunch is delivered with a dried flower care card and the option for a hand-written gift note. 


If you have any questions about our Baked Blossoms, please refer to our FAQ page here, which should hopefully answer any Q's you may have! 

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The Edna Vase



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£135.00 testt

Product Info
The Flowers
Shipping and Returns

Made to Order

Recyclable Packaging

FAQ Dried Flower Care Guide

Packaged with purpose

We are, like most people, very concerned with our environmental footprint, and therefore we only use recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging, and are continuously striving to reduce our impact.
